
Welcome to FairlyLocal

It's a simple Internationalization (i18n) library that makes ASP.NET websites work with GNU's GetText tools.

It's the way that i18n should have worked from the start.

What's here:

FairlyLocal Source and Downloads

To add FairlyLocal to a project, you'll need the source and a few tools from GNU's gettext library. The first download below contains everything you need.

Stuff you need

  • FairlyLocal_release_01.zip contains the FairlyLocal Source, the gettext Binaries
  • (along with the gettext source because for some reason they want you to have it), as well as a sample project demonstrating how to use it all. Sorted.
  • POEdit is a standalone editor for .po files. It's awesome and you need a copy of it.
  • GNU's gettext docs will come in handy when that crazy xgettext script in your build goes off the rails.